IMPORTANT {{vm.cart.Validation.ImportantMessages.Errors.length === 1 ? "MESSAGE" : "MESSAGES"}} ABOUT YOUR {{vm.cart.CartItems.length === 1 ? "GIFT" : "GIFTS"}}
IMPORTANT {{vm.cart.Validation.ImportantMessages.Errors.length === 1 ? "MESSAGE" : "MESSAGES"}} ABOUT YOUR {{vm.cart.CartItems.length === 1 ? "GIFT" : "GIFTS"}}
Oh snap! The tribute could not be {{vm.tributeMode === 'edit' ? "updated" : "added"}} at this time. Please refresh the page and try again.
Choose "In Memory of" only if the person you are honoring is deceased.
{{trVM.personalMessageCharactersRemaining < 0 ? "0" : trVM.personalMessageCharactersRemaining }} {{trVM.personalMessageCharactersRemaining === 1 ? "character" : "characters" }} remaining
Dear {{(vm.tributeToEdit.Recipients[$index].RecipientFN) ? (vm.tributeToEdit.Recipients[$index].RecipientFN): "[Recipient Name]"}},
The University of Washington is honored to inform you that a special tribute gift has been given to {{vm.causeList}} in {{vm.tributeToEdit.TributeType === "InMemory" ? "loving memory of:" : "your honor."}}
{{(vm.tributeToEdit.HonoreeFN && vm.tributeToEdit.HonoreeLN) ? (vm.tributeToEdit.HonoreeFN + ' ' + vm.tributeToEdit.HonoreeLN) : "Honoree Name"}}
Our UW community is truly moved by the generosity and goodwill of those who have honored {{vm.tributeToEdit.TributeType === 'InMemory' ? "your loved one" : "you"}} in this special way. This thoughtful gift supports the University's commitment to excellence in teaching, scholarship, research and service.
This tribute was made by:
{{(trVM.donorInfoForPreview.FirstName && trVM.donorInfoForPreview.LastName) ? (trVM.donorInfoForPreview.FirstName + " " + trVM.donorInfoForPreview.LastName) : "[Donor Name]"}}
{{trVM.donorInfoForPreview.EmailAddress ? trVM.donorInfoForPreview.EmailAddress : "[Donor Email]"}}
Personal Message:
"{{vm.tributeToEdit.Recipients[$index].PersonalMessage ? vm.tributeToEdit.Recipients[$index].PersonalMessage : "Your personal message goes here"}}"
University of Washington
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E-card preview
Front of card (folded)
The University of Washington is honored to inform you that special gift has been made to {{vm.causeList}} in memory of:
{{(vm.tributeToEdit.HonoreeFN && vm.tributeToEdit.HonoreeLN) ? (vm.tributeToEdit.HonoreeFN + " " + vm.tributeToEdit.HonoreeLN) : "Honoree Name"}}
The University of Washington is pleased to inform you that a tribute gift has been given in your honor to:
Our UW community is truly moved by the generosity of goodwill of those who have honored {{vm.tributeToEdit.TributeType === "InMemory" ? "your loved one" : "you"}} in this special way. This thoughtful gift supports the University's commitment to excellence in teaching, scholarship, research and service.
This tribute donation was made by:
{{(trVM.donorInfoForPreview.FirstName && trVM.donorInfoForPreview.LastName) ? (trVM.donorInfoForPreview.FirstName + " " + trVM.donorInfoForPreview.LastName) : "[Donor Name]"}}
{{trVM.addressForPreview.AddressLine1 ? trVM.addressForPreview.AddressLine1 : "[Address Line 1]"}}
{{trVM.addressForPreview.AddressLine2 ? trVM.addressForPreview.AddressLine2 : "[Address Line 2]"}}
{{trVM.addressForPreview.City ? trVM.addressForPreview.City : "[City]"}}, {{(trVM.addressForPreview.City && trVM.addressForPreview.State) ? trVM.addressForPreview.State : "[State]"}} {{trVM.addressForPreview.ZipCode ? trVM.addressForPreview.ZipCode : "[Zip]"}}
"{{vm.tributeToEdit.Recipients[$index].PersonalMessage ? vm.tributeToEdit.Recipients[$index].PersonalMessage : "Your personal message goes here"}}"
Inside of card